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- File Size 14.31 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 26, 2023
- Last Updated January 31, 2023
Operation NUTSAC
Author: Gorilla
Neutralize Urgent Threat, Save All Civilians
This is a custom level for Duke Nukem Forever 2001. It features different difficulty depending on which difficulty you choose.
To play this map, first load up level 2 of the "First Slice," named "Why I'm So Great." Choose the appropriate difficulty for your experience (Damn I'm Good is very hard but exciting!)
After it loads, press F12 and go to maps and scroll down to OperationNUT.dnf and select it. It should now play.
Make sure you unzip OperationNUT to Duke4/maps and bloodchosen.dtx into duke4/textures. They will already be in those folders so just drag and drop and you're ready to play!
A walk through is avaiable on my channel on youtube at this link: [ https://youtu.be/0cNWO3QvpI8 ]
NOTE - This level has a couple of glitches and visual bugs, but this is to be expected as First Slice is only a demo of the game to come. But if you fall through the map or any other serious bugs, or if you just think it sucks (or rocks!), send me a message on discord @gorilla#1585
Music from Daikatana, textures from Blood 2