Category: DNF 2001

Duke Nukem Forever Custom Content

Tel Aviv Forever

Credit Author: NESTECH My 2022 winter mapping contest in the Restroation Project community submit. The Tel Aviv towers and old nibgherhoods. Fun to expolre have problems for true but I decided to give you this here for servation. Photographer for many of the textures: Ehud Mankuta

DM XPriance

Credit Author: NESTECH Beucase the build day is on the 26 to October 2001 and the release of Windows XP in the same day(My birthday anniversery also!!!!) so I decided to make the bliss DNF 01 map. Enjoy 🙂


Credit Author: NESTECH The unforgettable kids live show on saving year 2000 and cancel the bug 2000, I was there when I was a little kid and didn’t forget or think different now.

DM Apogee

Author Credit: NESTECH Description: Duke gettin the best easter egg in the world and stuck there, duke love this room and fight there with others Dukes for the first place.


Author Credit: NESTECH The first level Juni got in the Spy Kids 3D movie now as a DNF level, a fan project only. Enjoy.

The Nestel Hotel

Author Credit: NESTECH My last summer vacation in a hotel in Tiberias City now as a giant(meanwhile) map. WiP.


Author Credit: NESTECH My new project on the metro train of Tel Aviv and around, make it aesthetic and fun for all.


Credit Author: Epstein Thrawn E1M1 mp remake is done enjoy

L.A Meltdown Forever

Author Credit: Gorilla To play, load up any map on your preferred difficulty in the main menu, then press F12 and scroll down to DHOLLYWOOD. This will start you out on Hollywood Holocaust as made by 3dr and tweaked by the Restoration Project Team. Alternatively press ~ and type map DHOLLYWOOD. This is the entirety…
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Death Row Forever

Credit Author: Gorilla Update 9-3-23 This is a conversion using Ice Cold Duke’s t3d tool. Features faithful enemy and item placements as well as faithful difficulty modes, sound effects, and music. A couple of changes were made in order to get the map to work in Unreal. Intended to be played with Restoration Project 0.2.1…
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