Category: DNF 2011 Multiplayer

Duke Nukem Forever Custom Content


Credit Author: StarNukem – Updated- 6-29-24 —Duke Nukem Forever 2011 // DM-AllYourBase— Thank you for downloading DM-AllYourBase! _____—–*****ATTENTION*****—–_____ -The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC is required in order to play this map. Without the DLC, the map will not appear correctly and possibly prevent play. Please purchase and/or install The Doctor Who Cloned Me to…
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Rat Service

Credit Author: StarNukem —Duke Nukem Forever 2011 // DM-RatService— Thank you for downloading DM-RatService! ___INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:________________________________________________________________________ |1. Unzip Rat Service folder into it’s own empty folder. (If you haven’t already) | |2. Drag and drop contents of the DM-RatService folder into your Duke Nukem Forever Maps directory. | |3. When asked to overwrite 2 files,…
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Credit Author: StarNukem —Duke Nukem Forever 2011 // DM-Deck17Classic— Thank you for downloading DM-Deck17Classic! ___INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:________________________________________________________________________ |1. Unzip DM-Deck17Classic folder into it’s own empty folder. (If you haven’t already) | |2. Drag and drop the Maps and Textures folders into your Duke Nukem Forever directory. | |3. When asked to overwrite 2 files, overwrite them.…
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—Duke Nukem Forever // DM-Stadium (Stadium)— Thank you for downloading Stadium MP! *This was a passion project started a while back that I never got my lazy ass around to wrapping up, but here it is: –Gameplay Specifics:– Author: StarNukem (OG Author: Gearbox Software/3D Realms) Engine: DukeEd (Unreal 1) Single Player: Nope Dukematch: Yes Team…
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DM-Burning Bush

—Duke Nukem Forever // DM-BurningBush (The Burning Bush MP)— Thank you for downloading Burning Bush MP! *This was yet another passion project that I began almost by accident! I found a way to access the DLC maps in the DNF 2011 editor and now here it is: –Gameplay Specifics:– Author: StarNukem (OG Author: Gearbox Software/3D…
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Author Credit: StarNukem Duke Nukem Forever Custom Map: “Roundabout” (from Map04 of the Duke Nukem Forever Campaign) ___________________________________________________________________________ —Installation Guide:— -Step 1: Locate your Duke Nukem Forever Maps folder within your Steam directory. (…/Steam/steamapps/common/Duke Nukem Forever/Maps) -Step 2: Backup the files “DM-Casino.dnf and DM-Casino.nav” into a separate folder. -Step 3: Drop your new “DM-Casino” files…
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Credit: StarNukem Duke Nukem Forever Custom Map: Shipment (from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) ___________________________________________________________________________ —Installation Guide:— -Step 1: Locate your Duke Nukem Forever Maps folder within your Steam directory. (…/Steam/steamapps/common/Duke Nukem Forever/Maps) -Step 2: Backup the files “DM-MorningWood.dnf and DM-MorningWood.nav” into a separate folder. -Step 3: Rename “Shipment.dnf” and “Shipment.nav” to “DM-MorningWood” (.dnf and…
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DNF2K11 MP Pack V2.1D

08/08/22 – /Updated 8-14-22 /Updated 11-24-22 /Updated 12-25-22 ================================================================ Title : DNF2K11 MP pack Author : Sixty Four/Duke64Nukem and ZNukem Additional Mappers: TheBaratusII, Snake Plissken, Bullerbuller7, StarNukem Email Address : Description : A MP map pack. ================================================================ MAPS Lives Again: I made this level with heavy inspiration to Blood’s Cradle To Grave. It’s not…
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