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- File Size 4.00 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date November 20, 2022
- Last Updated December 7, 2022
DNF Restoration: Bikini Atoll Test Standalone 0.1.5
Moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/dnf2001-restoration-project/downloads/dnf-restoration-bikini-atoll-test-standalone-015
3D Realms - Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Build
Gearbox Software - Duke Nukem Forever 2011
Mighty Foot Productions - Duke Nukem Forever Restoration
Community Brushes:
LDinos - LDinos's Brush Pack
Michael 'ExpEM' Nunn - ExpEM_Editor.u Brush Builder pack
Dave - Dave's Brush Builders
Tarquin - Tarquin's Brush Builders, Extended Builders
Daid - UnrealEdEx Brush builders
JohnMcL - FrameBuilder
Weapon and AI Balance Updates:
Futuretime - Futuretime23's Modpack
This release contains the following updates; -New Multiplayer Models -New Multiplayer Maps -More Weapon and AI Fixes -New Main Menu Background -Menu Icons have proper Translucency.
Welcome to the Final Bikini Atoll Test!
Please feel free to reach out to report bugs on our Discord; Discord.gg
What's New this Package?
- New Multiplayer Models
- New Multiplayer Maps
- More Weapon and AI Fixes
- New Main Menu Background Choice
- Menu Icons have proper Translucency
To Install:
Extract contents of package to a folder without a space (Example C:duke4)
Known Issues:
1. When in the Editor, an Oil Slick like pattern shows up on some textures.
- This is a current known OpenGL bug, to fix change the Texture View Mode and then change it back to Dynamic Light.
2. I am no longer able to place actors / actors that are placed are invisible.
- When this happens with a known good actor, sometimes saving and then realoading the map will fix this. Otherwise the editor will need to be rebooted. Other times this is because the actor does not have a Mesh/Sprite attached to it.
3. When changing the viewport layout in the editor, the 3D viewport defaults to software/Direct3D
- Modify your DukeEd.ini file in the System directory. Change the "Device=" value on the 3D viewport to OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice.
Other Known Issues:
- (In-Game) When Fullscreen, Alt-Tabing mouse can get stuck in the top right forcing hard close (DX8)
- (In-Game) When Fullscreen, Alt-Tabing will break the display driver forcing hard close (DX9)
- (Editor) When in using the editor, there is a delay in selecting actors / brushes (DX8)