Category: DNF 2011 Tools

Duke Nukem Forever Custom Content


Author Credit: johndrone DNFMaps Note: I packaged all the zips available from the git into one zip, including src code. Currently we have V1.4 the most up to date. For the best option to download, and more information go to the github link below. Github Link: Description: A simple WPF app for switching to…
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Mesh Tool

Credit Author: DaZombieKiller Github/Source Code: SETUP * Edit extract_from_dnf.cmd so that DNF_PATH points to your DNF installation. * After editing it, run extract_from_dnf.cmd to generate the ‘meshes’ folder. EXPORTING SKELETONS You can convert .skl files to .dae using the ‘sklconv’ command. This allows you to import the skeleton into a modelling tool to rig…
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LWO Exporter Plugin For Blender 2.8

Credit: paleajed Drag/Drop the .py into scripts/addons folder inside blender. EWOCprojects LWOExport does what it says.    I exports mesh objects in the .lwo Lightwave format.    When you enable this addon, an option is added to the File->Export menu. It supports meshes, materials, uvs, vertex colors, weights and shapekeys(endomorphs). Textures are not saved in the…
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Github: Credit: jmarshal23/icecoldduke Duke3D Map to Unreal T3D converter to 2001 but once in 2001 it can be converted to 2011.


Github: Credit jmarshall23/Icecoldduke DNF reimposition is a project to enable a fully working DNF 2011 editor and to fix up DNF 2011 and make it fun to play. Please support Gearbox and go buy Duke Nukem Forever on Steam. This work hopefully will be the start of a great modding community for a great…
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