- Version
- Download 78
- File Size 74.08 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 3, 2022
- Last Updated December 4, 2022
Wolf E1M1 - The Great Escape
Build Date: 10/23/22 - Updated 12-03-22 RC1
Title : Wolf3D E1M1
Filename : Wolf3D-E1M1.dnf
Author : ZNukem
Email Address/Contact : n/a
I plan to update this more down the road with new stuff and Duke lines.
Right now it's playable for enjoyment. Have fun looking into my magical modding
tricks be sure give me credit for this and Merry Christmas. - ZNukem
This user map is exclusive to http://DNFMaps.com for time being
until something changes in the future. More new stuff coming soon!
** Links & Sites **
Join in on my Duke Nukem Modding Discord
Thanks to:
Wolf3D Textures by Shadows 2015 Poland
Backett007 for kick ass Wolf3D "GetThem" music track
For Testing Thanks To:
Snake Plissken, Duke SixtyFour, THEBaratusII
Nice Thanks to:
ID Software and Apogee Entertainment making cool games.
Also I did voice over for the Duke Voice (ZNukem)
*Mod/Map Information*
Wolf3D E1M1 - This is a recreation of first level from Wolf 3D
Map File Names :Wolf3D-E1M1.dnf
Single Player :YES
Cooperative :NO
Difficulty Settings :YES
New Sounds :YES
New Textures :YES
New Music :YES
New Movies :YES
**Muitplayer & GameTypes**
Deathmatch :No
Team Deathmatch :No
Hail To The King :No
Capture The Babe :No
*Map Information*
Construction : Almost 3 months of hard work. All done in 2011 editor.
Editor(s) used : DukeEd 2011
Known Bugs : Might be some on the player stuff, far from that I am still looking. ; )
Build Time : N/A
--Restore & Backup--
**Want to restore the default maps**
Just verify the integrity of game files in DNF steam settings should be on local files.
**If you don't got steam to restore the files**
Make a back up original files of the gameroot that are shown in the zip you should be set.
Place these downloaded files in gameroot of DNF and If asked to replace click yes if prompted.
**Multiplayer**- Start up the game and set the multiplayer game lobby to private!
**Single Player** - Just run "maplauncher.bat" in the root of DNF to play the map.
This now supports difficulty selection.
Other Method for single player if you want to run user maps
in the future by dukeforever.exe
1. Right click the .dnf map in maps folder open with
2. Look for dukeforever.exe then apply the change
3. Should now play the maps by clicking on it in maps folder.
** Copyright / Permissions **
You MAY distribute or mirror this map/mod, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this map/mod with all contents etc..
in any electronic format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this TXT intact.
You MAY include this map/mod in any compilation. You may not alter the level or stuff
in any way.
This map/mod is to be used for non-commercial use only.
The whole map made by me and inspired work from ID Software Wolfenstein 3D.
Archivers are welcome to distribute as they wish to archive sites (Archive.org,Gamers.org,etc.)
and communities long as all the files all contents are intact including this readme untouched.
If you are going to redistribute this on other modding websites (ModDb,NexusMods,etc)
please give the author permission and consent before doing so.