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- Create Date November 26, 2022
- Last Updated November 27, 2022
LWO Exporter Plugin For Blender 2.8
Credit: paleajed
Drag/Drop the .py into scripts/addons folder inside blender.
EWOCprojects paleajed@gmail.com
LWOExport does what it says. I exports mesh objects in the .lwo Lightwave format. When you
enable this addon, an option is added to the File->Export menu.
It supports meshes, materials, uvs, vertex colors, weights and shapekeys(endomorphs).
Textures are not saved in the file, but referenced by relative filename.
Go to User Preferences->Addons and enable the LWOExport addon in the Import/Export section.
Select one or more mesh objects and choose File->Export->LightWave(.lwo)
A file requester will appear with some export options.
Triangulation, remove doubles, recalculate normals, apply scale/rotation/location all do what they say.
"Scale" enables you to set an extra scaling factor for the meshes.
"Batch Export" will save every selected object in a separate .lwo file (with object name as file name).
Without batch export all selected meshes are saved together in one .lwo file.
REMARK - dont need to be admin anymore - saves to user scripts dir
ALSO - dont forget to Apply rotation and scale to have your object show up correctly
Sixty Four DNF Notes:
Make sure to click on the object in blender before exporting. Must be selected or else.
When importing you have to manually assign the skin. Which is just your texture pack.
Always build map before test or get a question mark model.