- Version
- Download 29
- File Size 43.00 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date November 24, 2022
- Last Updated November 24, 2022
Duke Nukem Forever: Enhanced Vanilla Edition
moddb Source: https://www.moddb.com/mods/duke-nukem-forever-enhanced/downloads/duke-nukem-forever-enhanced-vanilla-edition
This is the Vanilla Edition of Duke Nukem Forever: Enhanced, this one only contais the graphical enhancements and the vanilla gameplay is intact.
Credit: Vinícius M
Update 10/28/2022:
Added some of the improvements from main enhanced into the vanilla edition, but adapt them to fit better into the original gameplay:
- Reduced pistol recoil and faster rate of fire
- increased shotgun damage and reduced spread
- Increased Ripper damage, accuracy and doubled the amount of ammo it can hold
- RPG ammo increased from 5 to 10
- Devastator ammo increased from 69 to 99
- Duke Vision light color changed from blue to green
- Player can sprint infinitelly instead of only 5 seconds
- Player can hold breath underwater for 45 seconds instead of 15