- Version
- Download 11
- File Size 3.48 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date June 25, 2024
- Last Updated June 29, 2024
Credit Author: StarNukem - Updated- 6-29-24
---Duke Nukem Forever 2011 // DM-AllYourBase---
Thank you for downloading DM-AllYourBase!
-The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC is required in order to play this map. Without the DLC, the map will not appear correctly and possibly prevent play. Please purchase and/or install The Doctor Who Cloned Me to be able to enjoy this map!
___INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:________________________________________________________________________
|1. Unzip DM-AllYourBase folder into it's own empty folder. (If you haven't already) |
|2. Drag and drop contents of the AllYourBase folder into your Duke Nukem Forever Maps directory. |
|3. When asked to overwrite 2 files, overwrite them. It's fine, you have the backups. |
| |
|1. Open the "0G Map" folder. Drag and drop "DM-Morningwood.dnf" and "..nav" into your Maps folder |
|in your Duke Nukem Forever directory. |
|2. Overwrite the files and you're back to normal! |
*I enjoy making maps so much that I decided to convert this single player battleground into a Dukematch arena! This map was one I'd put work into but had to put aside for various reasons. I'm happy you can all get a chance to play this now though. Hope you enjoy!
*****Special Thanks to...*****
*****For Your Time Testing*****
--Gameplay Specifics:--
Author: StarNukem
Engine: DukeEd (Unreal 1)
Single Player: Nope
Dukematch: Yes
Team Dukematch: Yes
Capture the Babe: Yes
Hail to the King: Yes
FreezeTag: Yes
Hot Potato: Yes
FFA Hail to the King: Yes
Available Mutators:
-Regular (Duhh)
-Infinite Ammo
-Knuckle Sandwich (No pipe bombs/trip mines)
-Shotguns Only (Shotguns don't spawn around the map)
-Railguns Only (Instagib)
Hope you enjoy and remember to always rock and fucking roll! -StarNukem
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